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Choppies information

Company History


Choppies is a chain of food and general merchandise outlets across sub-Saharan Africa. Operations began in 1986 with a single Choppies shop in Botswana. Since then, the company has expanded into seven other African countries and is listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) as well as the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). A variety of great value products can now be found in stores across South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Through its Choppies specials both in-store and via its catalogues, the organisation addresses the financial challenges its customers face by supplying them with affordable, high-quality food. This philosophy is reinforced by their concerted effort to provide the communities they serve with more employment opportunities.




Choppies’ catalogues and shopping outlets display a wide array of the products. This includes baked beans, olive oil, fruit juice, flour, sugar, meat, fish, fruit, bakery and deli items, milk, eggs, cheese, rice, pet food, and cleaning and bathroom products. Kitchenware and bedroom items are also a part of their regular offering. 

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