OK Furniture Russels Rest promotions

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OK Furniture information

More Information about OK Furniture in Russels Rest

History of OK Furniture


OK Furniture is a brand that caters to the furniture department alone and is one of the top contenders in the field. It has 400 stores across Africa and gives its customers the best quality products at the lowest possible price. OK Furniture Russels-Rest, is one such popular store.

OK Furniture catalogue is a great initiative through which customers can easily identify the products they need. With the OK Furniture specials of the day, customers are assured of having the best price.

The brand keeps its promise of placing the customer first and through the OK Furniture deals; it gives them the best service.



  • Appliances

  • Audio Visual 

  • Cellular

  • Flooring

  • Furniture

  • Multimedia

  • Outdoor living



Customers can find items like TV sets, rugs, wall units, mattress protectors, bunk beds, laptop accessories, cables, plugs, etc at the OK Furniture shop.



Ok Furniture Belhar

  • Address:Cnr Stellenbosch Arterial and Belhar Dr, Eerste River

  • Phone: +27 21 953 796


Customer Care 

For queries regarding any product at OK Furniture call

  • Customer Service - 0861 008861

  • Head Office - (011) 456 7000 

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