All shops OK Furniture South Africa

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The history of OK Furniture started form June 1927 when two young men opened the first store in Johannesburg. The names of the founders were Sam Cohen and Michael Miller and they named the company OK Bazaars. The company developed and expanded itself on the South African market and won the trust and the love of the consumers. The stores were one of the best well- known and visited chain, because they offered low prices for their quality assortment of items. In the year of 1929, OK Bazaars was listed as a public. Until the end of the year 1967, the company was very successful and open 100 store countrywide. Although, in 1973 a major part of the company was bought by South African Breweries, which had a positive effect and further grew and develop the company. OK Furniture was created in 1996 as a divisional brand for furniture. In the year of 2000, OK Furniture launched a new brand named OK Power Express. This brand put the focus on home entertainment, cellphones, base sets and appliances.

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